Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Reaction to Financial Crisis

The Pimienta Family

James Richard Verone (bank robber) & Alfredo/Georgina Pimienta (suspected of murdering their 2 children before both committing suicide. What do these folks have in common?

The failing economy caused them to act in drastic ways. 

Let's back up. James Richard Verone, age 59, robbed a bank for $1 in order to get medical care that he desperately needed. He handed the bank teller a note demanding $1, waited for the police to arrive, and asked to go to jail so that they could address his medical concerns. He had worked for Coca-cola for 17 years, was laid off, and due to physical ailments, could not perform at his part-time job. 

Mr. Verone, suffered from back pain, pain in his left foot, arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and a protrusion on his chest. He had no healthcare insurance, and news report indicate that he did not qualify for social security nor disability. His health plummeted and became unbearable to the point where he decided his only way to receive the health care he urgently needed was to rob a bank.

The Pimienta Family

Alfredo, 44, and Georgina Pimienta, 38, shared their single-story home with their daughters, Priscilla, 17, and Emily, 9. San Diego police found the family all dead in their home last month. Further investigation has many suspecting that Mr. Pimienta killed his wife and children before committing suicide. Suicide notes found in the home indicate that the parents may have planned this murder-suicide. Why? Family have reported that the family, along with experiencing personal tragedy, were also struggling financially.

I could continue. But I won't. There are many more similar stories of how financial despair have caused many people to commit suicide. They have caused others to rob banks, burglarize people, and turn to crime.

I urge you to read this article from 2009: The Financial Crisis Is Driving Hordes of Americans to Suicide

and also read some of the comments by others in response to article: Rising suicide rate worldwide linked to economic crisis, experts say. Their comments only confirmed my belief that this world is a mess and that there is no god.

The rich run America. The rich run the world. The rich also don't have to worry about not having enough money to see a doctor, or not having enough money to pay their mortgage. This world is evil.  More importantly, how can America allow this to happen?

In my opinion, Mr. & Mrs. Pimienta did their children a favor. Out of love, they selflessly ended their children's lives so that the children would not have to suffer and endure the unfairness and atrocities of this world. 

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