Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Foreign Aid

I read this article on yahoo yesterday. It may or may not be relevant, but it brought to my mind the subject of foreign aid. I am against excessive foreign aid. I am against foreign aid completely to countries that don't need it.  If you do enough research you will find that the USA spends about 19 BILLION dollars annually on foreign aid. The current public debt of the USA as I write this is $14,344,559,511,924.92. That's over 14 Trillion dollars. Why the aid when we are clearly already in debt?

We have prison overpopulation, teachers getting laid off, public schools with the ratio of 40 children to 1 teacher. When I was a child, there were 20 students in my class. Not anymore. Public schools have become places for teachers to baby-sit. There is no way that teachers can effectively teach 40 children. Our children are getting stupid. We have increased crime rate, constant lay-offs, and our country is in a state of economic crisis. The state I live in is in a recession. Tuition for public universities have increased. USA has problems with homelessness, not enough jobs, and home foreclosures. There are children and families living in dilapidated neighborhoods. We need welfare reform and illegal immigrants are coming in the country at an astounding rate and lack of funding in the appropriate sectors to stop it. 

We have the rich getting richer and the poor getting more poor.  People driving with no car insurance because they can't afford it. Americans with NO medical insurance. There are greedy CEO's and big companies that lay off thousands of hard working employees, forcing the remaining employees to work even harder. Louisiana still has not fully recovered from Hurricane Katrina yet we send aid to Japan? It's a nice gesture and all except I'm confident that Japan (whale killing country) is fully capable of recovering and rebuilding after the tsunami without the help of the USA. I can go on and on and on....

My point: Before the USA should be giving out money to foreign countries. Perhaps Mr. Obama and crew should be using that money and fixing the problems at home first. And America, has A LOT of problems. 

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